How To Jailbreak Firestick With Free Apps
Updated: April 16th, 2024
This jailbreak Firestick tutorial will provide every step necessary to unlock the endless possibilities on this popular streaming device.
The term jailbreak gained popularity with Apple devices which involved modifying the firmware. We’re not doing that in this tutorial. We’re simply changing a few settings that will allow us to side-load applications onto the device. Side-loading is the process of installing applications that aren’t available within the Amazon App Store.
Many people pay top dollar to Jailbreak a Firestick but that’s not necessary as this task is simple if you follow all of the instructions outlined in this article.
It’s important to point out that you can quickly reverse the process by changing the settings back to their default state.
In this tutorial, I’m using the new 2023 Fire TV Stick 4K Max but the same process will work on all Firestick models, Fire TV Cube, and Fire TV Televisions.
Step 1 - Install Free Downloader App

The free Downloader App is the hub for all jailbreaking Firestick processes and allows us to install applications that aren’t available within the Amazon App Store. This is a trusted app that’s been available for many years and is developed and maintained by AFTVnews.
Installing the Downloader App is a simple process outlined below.
1. From the home screen of your device, hover over Find and click Search.
2. Type Downloader with your Firestick remote control.

3. Click the Downloader App.

4. Choose Get or Download and the app will install. Do not open Downloader just yet as there are some additional steps we must take first.

5. Highlight the name of your Firestick / Fire TV and click it 7 times to enable Developer Options. Return to the previous screen after doing this by clicking the back button on your remote.

6. Choose Developer Options.

7. Select Install unknown apps.

8. Highlight Downloader and press select button on remote to turn on Unknown Apps.

9. If you’re using an older Fire TV Stick, there will be only one toggle that covers all apps on the device. Turn that on.

You have now enabled Unknown Sources. Great job!
We now have the ability to install apps outside of the Amazon App Store which we provide instructions for below.
Continue reading for important privacy settings you should change on your Fire TV Stick to protect yourself online before installing 3rd party applications.
Change Privacy Settings
After we enable unknown sources, there are a few privacy settings we want to change. I personally don’t like the idea of Amazon knowing what we are doing on this device.
This is a simple task outlined below that will remove various settings implemented on Fire TV systems.
If for any reason you choose to turn these back on, you can easily do so within settings.
1. First, hover over the settings icon and click Preferences.

2. Choose Privacy Settings.

3. You will notice that all of these privacy settings are turned ON.

4. We suggest turning OFF all of these privacy settings.

5. Click the back button on your remote and select Data Monitoring.

6. Turn Data Monitoring OFF.

7. Next, click the back button and select Featured Content.

8. Turn OFF both of these options. This will help speed up your system and get rid of annoying video ads.

With privacy settings enabled, we can now install LemoTV, Kodi and Cinema Now or various other applications for unrestricted streaming. (Click the button below for the LemTV installation guide)